FedEx Mobile app for iPhone and iPad
FedEx® Mobile provides a quick and easy way to manage your shipments. Track the status of your packages, find FedEx locations and customize your shipments and deliveries*.
You can sign-up for FedEx Delivery Manager and customize deliveries coming to your home. With FedEx Delivery Manager, you’ll get packages in your hand, on your schedule. You can:
-Schedule the delivery
-Deliver to another address
-Provide delivery instructions
-Sign for a package
-Schedule a vacation hold
-Hold your package at a FedEx location
You can also:
-Find a FedEx location near you using GPS
-View the status of your FedEx® shipments
-View the ship date and expected arrival date
-Receive shipment history, including signature details
-Forward tracking results
-Create custom watch lists for monitoring important shipments
-Add notes to shipments
-Nickname your shipments
Additional functionality is available on the mobile website by tapping Get Rates, Schedule a Pickup and Create a Shipment from the mobile app menu. Shipments created on will automatically be added to your app shipment list.
*Feature offerings vary by country and device. FedEx Delivery Manager is only available for residential deliveries with U.S. Destinations